用 AI 做绘本
尝试了一下用 AI 做个绘本,不过我也不会写画图的提示词,也是让 AI 帮我完成。
让 AI 帮我:
分别去画每个 Prompt
选择的 AI 工具:
OpenAI o1 pro:生成提示词
Google ImageFX:画图
生成画图 Prompt 的提示词:
o1 返回结果:
下面提供了一个将故事分成五个场景的示例,并针对每个场景给出对应的英文 Prompt 供参考。为了尽量减少触发审查的风险,下面的 Prompt 会以卡通漫画的方式进行描述,弱化直接的暴力细节并保持幽默夸张的氛围。
## 场景 1:初次冲突
- 兔子在街上悠闲走着,没有戴帽子
- 老狼迎面出现,并对兔子十分不客气
- 老狼指责兔子“没戴帽子”,对兔子进行了“教训”(用夸张的卡通方式弱化暴力)
**英文 Prompt 参考:**
Cartoon-style illustration. A friendly, anthropomorphic Rabbit walks down a whimsical street with no hat. Suddenly, a tall, grouchy Wolf wearing a scruffy jacket appears and blocks the Rabbit’s path. The Wolf leans forward, pointing at the Rabbit’s bare head in a mocking way. The Rabbit looks startled and confused, with big round eyes and a nervous expression. The environment is colorful, lighthearted, like a fun comic strip. Emphasize the Wolf’s smug attitude and the Rabbit’s timid reaction.
## 场景 2:兔子回家戴帽子
- 兔子回家后情绪低落
- 兔子翻箱倒柜,找到一顶帽子戴上
- 兔子依然显得很沮丧、犹豫
**英文 Prompt 参考:**
Cartoon-style interior scene. Show a small, cozy rabbit home with simple furniture. The Rabbit stands near an open wardrobe or dresser, picking out a bright, slightly oversized hat. The Rabbit looks dejected yet determined to try wearing the hat. Soft, warm colors dominate the setting, with comedic details like shoes and carrots scattered around. The expression on the Rabbit’s face shows both worry and resolve.
## 场景 3:再次碰面
- 兔子再次在街上遇到老狼,这次戴着帽子
- 老狼又用理由训斥兔子“戴帽子”,并对兔子进行了进一步“教训”
- 兔子显得更加委屈和不知所措
**英文 Prompt 参考:**
Cartoon-style street scene. The Rabbit, now wearing a slightly oversized red hat, encounters the same grumpy Wolf. The Wolf points at the hat with a sneer, as if scolding the Rabbit again. Show exaggerated facial expressions: the Wolf is bossy and intimidating, the Rabbit is shrinking back in confusion. Keep the environment bright and whimsical, with colorful buildings in the background. The mood is comedic, despite the Wolf’s lecturing.
## 场景 4:老虎家中的密谋
- 老狼来到老虎家,抱怨兔子
- 老虎出主意,让老狼不断“刁难”兔子以便“合理”地找借口
- 兔子正好躲在门外或窗外偷听到这番对话
**英文 Prompt 参考:**
Cartoon-style interior of a Tiger’s home. The Wolf and a Tiger sit at a small round table, talking conspiratorially. The Tiger is large, dignified, and wearing a casual robe, while the Wolf gestures animatedly, complaining about the Rabbit. Outside a nearby window, the Rabbit peeks in with wide, curious eyes, eavesdropping on their conversation. The setting is comedic and colorful. The Wolf’s expression is frustrated yet cunning, the Tiger looks calm but sly, giving sneaky advice.
## 场景 5:终极对峙
- 老狼在街上再次要求兔子:去弄块肉、或者带一个同伴来
- 兔子淡定反问是“要肥的还是瘦的”、“要丰满的还是苗条的”
- 老狼恼羞成怒,再次用“帽子”借口对兔子进行“教训”
- 保持整体的卡通幽默感
**英文 Prompt 参考:**
Cartoon-style street scene again. The Wolf confronts the Rabbit with an imposing stance. The Wolf demands the Rabbit bring something specific (like a piece of meat or a female companion), while the Rabbit calmly asks clarifying questions: "Fat or lean?", "Curvy or slender?" The Wolf’s face twists in comical anger at being outsmarted. In a final comedic twist, the Wolf suddenly berates the Rabbit for not wearing a hat (or some random excuse). Exaggerated gestures and silly reactions emphasize the humor. Vibrant, fun colors with a lighthearted comic strip feel.
### 使用提示
1. **卡通化弱化冲突**
以上 Prompt 虽然还原了故事情节,但在语言描述上尽量使用“cartoon-style”、“comical”、“lighthearted”等词汇,弱化直接的暴力和冲突,以免触发过度审查。
2. **突出幽默感**
使用“whimsical”、“exaggerated”、“fun comic strip feel”、“comical anger”等描述词,突出故事里的滑稽与反讽,让情节更像儿童读物或幽默漫画场景。
3. **适度保留细节**
对老狼指责兔子的动作可以用“scolding”、“berating”、“mocking”等词语,避免过于直白的暴力描写(如“punch”或“slap”),可以用“bop on the head”或“cartoonish whack”等较轻松的描述方式,进一步弱化暴力感。