
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman 在最近的一条推文中表示:
他特别推崇 OpenAI 的教练 Joe Hudson,强调 Joe 深刻理解如何实现情绪清晰。这背后的关键,就是人们常谈的情绪智能(Emotional Intelligence, EI 或 EQ)。
什么是情绪智能(Emotional Intelligence)?
自我觉察(Self-Awareness): 了解自身情绪、优势、劣势和价值观,并认识到它们如何影响他人。
自我调节(Self-Regulation): 管理自身情绪和冲动,适应变化,避免破坏性行为。
自我激励(Motivation): 意识到自身的动力源泉,并以此追求目标、应对挑战。
共情(Empathy): 理解、识别他人情绪,并站在他人视角看待问题。
社交技能(Social Skills): 有效沟通、管理人际关系、建立融洽关系。
Joe Hudson 关于“轻松掌握情绪智能”的50条智慧
Joe Hudson 用深入浅出的方式,帮助人们更自然、更轻松地提升情绪智能。以下将他的重要观点归类呈现,供深入理解:
下面按照「自我觉察 → 自我调节 → 内在动机 → 同理心 → 社交技能 → 情绪表达的艺术 → 综合实践与成长」的顺序,对这50条内容进行重新归类,并从1编号到50。每条均保留原始英文内容与对应的完整中文翻译,且不做删减或合并。
If you’re scared of feeling an emotion, you’re already in it.所谓的自我(ego),不仅是你觉得自己是什么样的人,也包括你刻意否认自己会是怎样的人。
Ego is as much what you don’t think you are as what you think you are.如果你看待事物总是非黑即白,说明恐惧正在控制你。
When your thinking is binary, fear is running the show.经常感到疲惫的人,大多有个习惯——不停地责备自己,总觉得自己做得不够好。
People who are exhausted all day are often in the habit of beating themselves up or telling themselves how they should be.无休止的自我批判,通常意味着你更在意自己是否“被看作”有价值,而不是去“真正创造”价值。
Endless self-criticism is usually a sign that you want to be seen as valuable rather than to be of value.如果你总是无法集中注意力,可以回想一下小时候,你得到的关注是什么样的?
If you struggle with paying attention: What was the quality of attention you got as a kid?想要成为“特殊”的人,往往是因为你还没认清自己是谁。
The desire to be special can only exist when you don’t know who you are.你不可能“变得更有价值”,因为你的价值本来就是存在的。
You cannot become more valuable.大多数人认为自信源于表现完美,但真正的自信来自于明白你的价值不取决于你的表现。
Most people believe confidence comes from being really good at what they do or never messing up. But unshakable confidence comes from knowing your worth isn't tied to your performance.在你还不知道“钱”是什么之前,你会把“对钱的恐惧”叫做什么呢?
What did you call the fear you experienced around money before you knew what money was?你和金钱的关系,跟你和父母的关系,有哪些相似之处?
How is your relationship with money similar to your relationship with your mom or dad?
Constantly trying to make sense of your emotions prevents you from hearing their wisdom.喜悦就像是一个大家庭的母亲,如果你拒绝她的“孩子们”(其他情绪),她也不会进你的家门。
Joy is the matriarch of a family of emotions. She won't come into your house if her children are not welcome.如果无法接纳某种情绪,那就试着接纳你对它的抵触。
If you can't welcome the emotion, welcome the resistance to it.很多人以为“平静”就是永远不再烦躁。真正的平静,是能坦然面对自己的烦躁,而不是去排斥它。
Many people believe that peace means never feeling agitated. Deep peace is the ability to be with agitation without aversion.所谓“感到不堪重负”,本质是一种恐惧,你误以为必须离开当下的“流动状态”,才能掌控现实。
Overwhelm is a form of fear. It is the moment where you think you have to get out of flow to manage reality.你无法完全停止头脑中的声音,但你可以改变对它的反应,而这将改变你内在的声音。
You can't stop the voice in your head. But you can react to it in different ways, and that will change its tune.
Willpower is needed if it’s a desire from the head. Willpower is not needed if it’s a desire from the heart.当你感到被压迫时,最大的压迫并非来自外界,而是来自你觉得“自己什么都做不了”的念头。
If you feel oppressed, the most powerful oppressor is the thought that you can’t do anything about it.试图去“寻找自己的使命”毫无意义,就像去寻找你的呼吸一样。
Trying to find your purpose is a fool’s errand. It’s like trying to find your breath.你的使命早已存在于你内心,刻意去寻找只会阻碍它的成长。
Your purpose is in you, and you were born with it. To think you have to find it cuts off the faith that purpose needs to grow.如果你不停告诉自己“应该”改掉某个坏习惯,那反而会加强这个习惯。因为我们天生抵制任何强迫,即便这个强迫来自自己的头脑。
If you're telling yourself you should change a habit, that's a great way to keep the habit. We rebel against tyrants even if the voice in our own head is the tyrant.
People cannot be split up into parts you accept and parts you reject. A person is a whole.无条件的爱不是讨好别人,而是能够尊重别人的选择,同时也忠于你自己的内心。
Unconditional love isn't people-pleasing or caretaking. It's the capacity to hold space for others' choices while honoring your own truth.当你批判别人爱炫耀时,其实反映的是你自己内心渴望被看见却不敢承认的需求。
Judging others for showing off is often an indication that we’re struggling with our own desire to be seen.“出名”只是表面被人知道,“被真正看见”才是真正被理解。
Being known is the empty calorie surrogate to being seen.当你批判别人的情绪时,其实就是在拒绝你自己内心的情绪。你无法接纳别人身上你自己拒绝的部分。
Judging others people's emotions is just a form of rejecting your own. We can't handle in other people what we don't allow in ourselves.过度照顾别人是被稀释了的爱,因为它缺乏真正爱的那种兴奋感。
Caretaking is a watered-down version of love. You can tell because there is no buzz.
五、优化社交技能(Social Skills)
You can’t give or receive love fully if you’re constantly calculating what could go wrong.除非你意识到自己拥有完整的力量,否则你无法真正全心地去爱。
You also cannot love fully unless you see that you are completely empowered.
It is near impossible to love what you think oppresses you.很多时候,我们为了避免被别人抛弃,反而先抛弃了真正的自己。
We often abandon ourselves in an attempt to prevent other people from abandoning us.人们想要的不是你完美无缺,而是真实地和你建立连接。
People don’t want you to be perfect. What they want is to feel connected to you.如果你很难拒绝别人,那么你也难以真正被人信任。
If you can’t say “no” easily, you can’t be trusted.如果某件事你说出来会害怕,那它往往很重要。
如果你不说,你其实更在乎的是对方可能的反应,而不是自己的真心。If it feels scary to say, it's important
If it feels scary to say, NOT saying it will hurt your connection
If it feels scary to say, NOT saying it prioritizes their imagined reaction over your truth
You can’t be accepted for who you are if you’re not showing up as who you are.我们害怕表达真实的自己,害怕随之而来的“后果”,但那些“后果”其实恰恰能带领我们走向一个被真实接纳和爱的世界。
We are often scared of the consequences of revealing who we actually are or what we actually think.
But whatever that “consequence” is also happens to be a direct path to the life where we are accepted and loved for who we are.如果你总是忙着处理别人的情绪,那你一定忽视了自己的感受。
If you're trying to manage other people's feelings, you're abandoning your own.害怕冲突的人,内心真正的声音是:“真实的我不会被爱”。
Being conflict-avoidant is another way of saying I can't be loved for who I am.如果你认为必须表现出特定的样子才会被爱,那你根本没有被真正地爱过,你爱的只是假装的那个你。
If you think you have to act a certain way in order to be loved, you’re not actually being loved.
You’re being loved for someone you’re pretending to be, and that’s not being loved.情感虐待并非仅限于辱骂或暴力。任何通过情绪控制别人的行为都是一种情感虐待。
Emotional abuse doesn’t just mean yelling or physical violence.
It includes anytime you use your emotions to control another person.生命需要适当的紧张感。就像气球、吉他琴弦、身体肌肉一样,没有适当的紧张,它们将失去意义。
Tension is essential to life — without the proper tension, a balloon deflates, the strings on a guitar lose their tune, and the muscles in your body can’t move.
The same is true for any relationship.
六、情绪表达的艺术(Emotional Clarity)
The next time you’re in freeze or depression, notice how much of it is repressed or held back anger.真正纯粹的愤怒是美的。而试图改变别人、控制别人或强迫别人按照你的意愿行动——那不是愤怒,是操控。
Anger in its purity is beautiful. Trying to change somebody, change their beliefs, be above them, dominate them, control them, scare them, push them away, or try to make them do anything – that is manipulation, not anger.下次你感到焦虑时,留意一下,这其中有多少是被你压抑的兴奋感。
The next time you’re feeling anxious, notice how much of it is repressed or held back excitement.当你觉得自己比别人优越,说明你内心有压抑的情绪,而压抑情绪就一定会压抑你的快乐。
Perceiving yourself as “better than” other people is a sign of repressed emotions. And you can’t repress emotions without repressing joy.我从未见过一个内心深处充满喜悦的人,还同时带着一种优越感。
I have never met anyone who is both deeply joyful and also harbors a sense of superiority.如果你感到卡住了,通常意味着你正在逃避某个情绪,比如恐惧、愤怒或羞愧。
If you’re feeling stuck, it’s usually an indicator that there’s an emotion you’re trying to avoid feeling. The most common are fear, anger, or shame.一些拒绝愤怒的人,通常是小时候经历过情绪暴力的孩子。但他们却能整天不停地对自己发火。
Some folks refuse to get angry because they had a parent who raged and was abusive. But they'll get angry at themselves all day long.
七、综合实践与成长(Holistic Practice)
There is no way of getting it perfect. There is no complete, no finish line, no done. There is simply “What’s the next experiment?” There is only play.如果你只靠冥想进行自我探索,就像建房子只用一把锯子一样,虽然可以,但效率非常低下,耗费大量时间。
Meditation is inefficient if it's your only tool for self-discovery. It's like building a house with only a saw. It can be done, but it's going to take a shit ton of time.
Joe Hudson 所提出的情绪智能精髓,可以用一句话概括:
他的智慧,正是 Sam Altman 所强调的,在充满 AGI 的未来里,每个人都亟需掌握的情绪清晰能力。